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When Looking for a Vessel, Don’t Overlook the Value of a Professional Applications Engineer
In a world where you can buy anything you want from vendors you never meet in person, it’s easy to overlook the critical difference the right people—those real experts with real experience—can make on your success. This ideal is especially important for food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and other manufacturers looking for new processing vessels.

Food Processing Equipment: Three Essential Steps to Make the Most of 2023
As we hit the home stretch of 2022, food processors find themselves planning for 2023 within an exceptionally fluid and unpredictable marketplace. Due to such demand-side impacts as inflation and post-Covid consumer behavior shifts, and supply-side challenges like ingredient shortages and increasingly rapid product development, processors know that success in the coming year will rely more than ever on operations that are agile, adaptable, and efficient.

Don’t Buy the Wrong Relationship on Your Way to Buying the Right Equipment
Gather a group of experienced processing plant managers and ask them to describe their focus when deciding which supplier to buy core equipment from and you’ll hear a range of different opinions—from construction quality and durability to equipment features and performance…and price. But one recommendation they’ll likely all share is this: evaluate the equipment manufacturer’s ability to help optimize your efficiency.

The Value of Custom-Built Processing Equipment…and What to Do If You Can’t Wait
Manufacturers that need processing equipment may have faced a similar challenge lately. While most would prefer equipment customized to their operation and product, some may feel they need to seek other options, like in-stock or used equipment. The long-term nature of processing equipment makes this a particularly important decision point: a high-quality production vessel can operate for decades.

When it Comes to Customer Satisfaction, Food Manufacturers Have the Right Process
The iconic founder of Walmart would be proud of the food manufacturing industry these days. In its just-released study on U.S. customer satisfaction, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®) ranks Food Manufacturing highest within the Manufacturing and Nondurable Goods sector and tied with Full-Service Restaurants for the top position among all 47 industries and ten sectors it researched.